While listening to Gustav Holst. Gouache and watercoulour on gessoed paper.

Early morning reflection on the Oude IJssel river (NL) 2. Pencil on paper.

Stephanie. Oils on linen.

Katinka 2. Pastel on toned paper.

Images on Ines. Acrylics on 114×150 cm paper.

Wayang Golek in my Studio, visiteid by a Green Gecko. Oils on paper.

My brother Max. Oil on gessoed paper. Detail.

Finalist. Painter of the Year 2023, Netherlands.

Private collection Netherlands

Annotated Nude with Gecko. Gesso, oil sticks and oils on paper.

Bella. Acrylics on paper.

Abstracted. Oil over acrylics on linen..

Foal. Oil on gessoed paper.

Head Frame at the former coal mine Bois du Cazier (B).

The Adoration. Oils on linen.

Composition. Gesso, acrylics and conte crayon on kraft paper.

Raymond playing the Guitar. Art Class Demo. Charcoal on paper.

The Aa-strang stream in Ulft (NL). Oil on linen.

Kebutaan Biru. Charcoal, pastel and white gouache on paper.

Nicole. Ink and watercolour on paper.

Private collection Netherlands

New Year’s Eve. Charcoal and pastel on paper.

Private collection Netherlands

St Catherin’s Church in Brielle (NL). Oil on canvas.

Migration. Oils on paper.

Sunrise. Ink and watercolour on paper.

Images of Ines. Oil on gessoed paper.

Portrait of a Pony. Conte crayon on paper.

Luuk, the bull mastiff. Oil on gessoed paper.

Seingat Saya. Oil on canvas.

Cranefly. Ink and conte crayon on paper..

Private collection Netherlands

Lux. Oils on linen.

War-torn. Oil on linen.

Avant l’Orage. Oil on linen.

Threatening Skies over Amsterdam. Ink and pencil on paper.

Private collection Australia